Minister’s Message 12 January

10 Jan 2025

Dear Friends

I am writing after the Service of Union which was another uplifting occasion following the United Service at Fossoway last Sunday. We were treated to inspiring sermons from Alex Johnson on Sunday and Anne Redpath on Thursday and if you weren't able to be present in person or by live-stream at either of these I strongly encourage you to click on the links to watch the recordings when you have some spare time:

Sunday's service at Fossoway is at:

Thursday's service at Kinross is at:

On Saturday morning the united Kirk Session will meet for the first time to begin our journey together. Please pray about the many practical things that have to be decided as we move forward – a lot of these things are unseen and people only notice when they go wrong, so please be patient if there are any hiccups in the coming months. Everybody will be doing their best and the elders will appreciate your support and encouragement. They also ask your prayers that God will help us to keep our eyes fixed on Jesus and to seek first His Kingdom in all things. While Sunday worship at Fossoway, Kinross and Orwell will continue much as it has in the past, there will be new arrangements at Cleish, Glenfarg and Portmoak. For example, you are welcome at the monthly Songs of Praise service at Portmoak at 3pm on the last Sunday of January, February and March. We will also be intimating various weekday church activities elsewhere in the united parish and if you see something that interests you, please just turn up.

Very soon we will be starting the process to call a second full-time minister to the Team. That will start with the preparation of the electoral roll of the united congregation and the election of a Nominating Committee which will have representatives from across the united parish. Please be praying about who might be on that committee.

At any stage if there is anything you are unsure about, please don't hesitate to ask me or one of the elders or at the office – if we don't have the answer immediately we will aim to f ind out for you. Anne Redpath in her sermon at the Service of Union spoke about 'when heaven touches earth' and about when God's people act as one 'that the world might believe'. What will God do through Kinross-shire Parish Church? That remains to be seen but let us all recognise that we each have a part to play in that through word and prayer and action. With all prayerful good wishes,


Rev. A.D. Reid