Prayer Points 12 January

10 Jan 2025

We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week?


Sunday 12th: Pray for Adelaide as she is baptised today, for her family and for the whole church family as we are reminded of our own baptism and of God's call on our lives.

Monday 13th: Pray for house-groups starting up again for the new year and ask God to help all involved to grow in faith through these times of fellowship.

Tuesday 14th: Pray for all involved with Stepping Stones as they begin to meet again after the festive break and ask God to deepen relationships between the leaders and those who attend.

Wednesday 15th: Pray that the involvement that Alan and Alex have with school assemblies at the Primary and High Schools will bear lasting fruit.

Thursday 16th: Ask God's blessing on all involved in the annual review of the Presbytery Mission Plan and for the Presbytery meeting tonight when it will be debated. Pray also for those churches like our own who are now moving forward in new ways.

Friday 17th: Give thanks for all the young people involved in Crossfire, the Brigade, Dungeons & Dragons and Sunday@7 that many may choose to follow Christ.

Saturday 18th: Lift before God the work of KYTHE as the annual vision day is held today. Pray for the appointment of a new Head of Youth Work to replace Barry Dougall and for progress towards the appointment of a Youth Minister.

