Prayer Points w/b 23 February

20 Feb 2025

We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week?


Sunday 23 February: Pray for God's blessing on all who lead and all who attend services at Fossoway, Orwell and Kinross this morning, at Portmoak this afternoon and Sunday@7 in Kinross this evening.

Monday 24 February: Keep before God the fast-moving situation in the Middle East and in Ukraine and ask God to lead all involved in conflict to lasting peace and reconciliation.

Tuesday 25 February: Pray for the congregations of Ardoch and Blackford as their long-term linkage becomes a union and remember their minister the Revd. Mairi Perkins as she leads them in this new chapter of their journey.

Wednesday 26 February: Pray for the Kirk Session meeting with representatives of the Presbytery this morning as the process gets underway towards calling another minister for the united parish.

Thursday 27 February: Uphold the work of Kinross Centre in prayer today and every day, asking that staff, volunteers and service users alike may know God's presence with them.

Friday 28 February: Ask God's protection for all who serve the cause of the Gospel in situations of persecution, conflict or natural disaster.

Saturday 1 March: As we prepare ourselves to gather at the Lord's Table tomorrow, pray that all may know the living presence of the risen Christ and be strengthened by the Holy Spirit for Christian service in the coming days.
