Minister’s Message for Sunday 22 September 2024

23 Sep 2024

Dear Friends,

First of all, may I express my gratitude to all of you for your care and concern, and especially for your prayers when I found myself unexpectedly in hospital at the beginning of the month. The acute infection which took me there was quickly brought under control and coming home just in time to have a previously planned week's holiday meant that I wasn't tempted to jump straight back to work. A whole variety of people quickly stepped up to plug the various gaps and to all of them I am hugely grateful. I will require some further treatment in the coming weeks so in the meantime I will be working at a gentler pace than I often do. Thanks for your forbearance.

This morning (Saturday) there is a Fair Trade Coffee Morning in the Church Centre and I encourage you to support that. In tomorrow's service we will be marking Disability Sunday and we will also have Barry Dougall with us to bid farewell as he moves on from the role he has pioneered with KYTHE over the last eight years.

As we take time at this season to give thanks for the goodness of God to us in the harvest, you are invited to support this year's special offering for the work of Prospects Across Scotland, and also (if you wish) to bring some non-perishable foods which will go to Broke Not Broken. See details of both these things in the Intimations. I also continue to encourage you prayerfully to review your regular offerings to the church if you have not done so recently. The treasurer will be happy to advise you how you may amend your regular standing order if you give directly through the bank.

Finally, I want to draw attention to a couple of larger events being organised by the Presbytery of Perth. “Strength for Today, Hope for Tomorrow” is at St Matthew's Church, Perth on Thursday 3rd October. In the afternoon there are workshops between 2 and 5pm exploring opportunities for church growth. The evening session is a time for prayer and praise led by Rev Neil Glover from Aberfeldy and Rev Tommy MacNeil from Stornoway. It is open to all. You can book by following this link:

There is also to be a Christians and Climate Change conference from 10am-1pm on Saturday 19th October also at St Matthew's Church in Perth. If this is an issue that interests you, please register to attend.

I look forward to seeing you again on Sunday.

With all prayerful good wishes,


Rev. A.D. Reid