Prayer Points for Week Commencing Sunday 22 September 2024

21 Sep 2024


We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week?

Prayer Points for week commencing Sunday 22 September 2024

Sunday, 22nd September: Please remember before God today those who are struggling just now because of ill-health or bereavement, increasing frailty or anxiety, and those who are battling addictions or poverty.

Monday, 23rd: Pray for peace in Israel and Palestine, the entire Middle East, in Ukraine and in other warzones. Pray also for those who experience domestic violence even in our own community that they may be miraculously protected.

Tuesday, 24th: Pray for God’s blessings for all who are involved with Stepping Stones on a Tuesday morning and pray especially for the youngest members of our community that they may be conscious of the love of Christ from their earliest days.

Wednesday, 25th: Give thanks for the work of Kinross Centre and for the staff and volunteers who give so much to our senior citizens, day by day. Pray for the midweek service there today.

Thursday, 26th: Pray that all those involved in groups within the life of the church –house-groups, prayer meetings, Craft Group, Guild, Table Talk, All Friends Together etc – may find support and fellowship through their involvement.

Friday, 27th: Pray for God's blessing of the work of the Brigade, who meet tonight, asking for strength and vision for the officers and a growing knowledge and love of Christ for all.

Saturday, 28th: Pray for all of those who are taking part, in any way, in tomorrow’s service and especially for Alan Reid as he leads us in worship. Give thanks to God for His wonderful harvest and for those we will share our Harvest Thanksgiving gifts with, through Broke Not Broken.
