Minister’s Message 2 February

31 Jan 2025

Dear Friends, 

We had half a story last week; Jesus announced to the synagogue in Nazareth that the words of the prophet Isaiah, with its promise of good news, had been fulfilled. The question to be answered on Sunday is what happened next? How did the people respond to Jesus’ announcement?

Indeed, we ask that same question of ourselves. Hopefully, as part of Kinross Church, you have all had the chance to hear the good news of Jesus. So now the question is how do we respond to that news? How do we live out our lives as followers of Jesus? How does that belief in who Jesus is begin to shape our lives?

Some of you may be very secure in your answer to that question, while others may be searching for exactly what that means. But as we see from this Sunday's reading, being a disciple is perhaps less about clarity and more about an openness to Jesus’ message. The ability to take the way that lies before us seriously, even when it challenges us. To refuse to hear simply what we want or expect to hear, but to sit up and hear the call of Jesus upon us.

There are so many different things going on in our lives, not to mention all that is changing on the local stage and global arena. Perhaps we learn to engage with it all, in all its complexity, through this call to listen to the voice of Jesus. 

So, I invite you to worship together this Sunday and, hopefully, hear something of Jesus’ voice within it.

Every blessing, 

Alex Johnson
Probationer - Kinross-shire Parish Church