Prayer Points w/b 2 March

28 Feb 2025

We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week?


Sunday 2 March: As we gather this morning at the Lord's Table, pray that the Holy Spirit will take the things of God and make them real to each one of us, that we may enter into new life in Christ.

Monday 3 March: Pray for peace in the world, beginning in the hearts of individuals and in the relationships of families and friends, in the healing of communities and nations and in the reconciliation of all people with God and with one another.

Shrove Tuesday: As we prepare to enter into the season of Lent, fix your eyes on Jesus and commit yourself afresh to take up your cross and follow Him. Consider what specific daily action or practice might help you to focus on the way of Christ in the coming weeks.

Ash Wednesday: O God, you delight not in pomp and show but in a humble and contrite heart. Overturn our love of world possessions and fix our hearts more firmly on you, that, having nothing, we may yet possess everything, a treasure stored up for us in heaven.

Thursday 6 March: Pray that those in our world who are hungry today may have the nourishment that they need and pray that those who hunger and thirst for righteousness may be satisfied.

Friday 7 March: Ask God to inspire people of faith to live out that faith in ways that will bring blessing to those they serve and may point many to Jesus in these days.

Saturday 8 March: God of deliverance and freedom, you taught the people of Israel to acknowledge that all things come from your bountiful hand. Deepen our faith so that we may resist temptation and, in the midst of trial, proclaim that Jesus Christ is Lord, now and for ever.
