Minister’s Message 19 January

18 Jan 2025

Dear Friends
Thank you for your prayers for the first meeting of the united Kirk Session last Saturday morning. Although we did not manage to cover everything on our agenda we made a very good start and it was particularly good to see quickly deepening relationships among the elders of the four former congregations. The Vision Group will be meeting on Monday 20 and the Kirk Session will meet again on Thursday 30 to take things forward. We value your continuing prayers.

I want to add my thanks today to those of the Treasurer and Finance Convenor for the upturn in offerings following the stewardship focus in September which enabled us to avert the projected shortfall during 2024 and enter the union without a deficit. Sincere thanks to those who took time to review their Christian giving at a time of wider economic pressure. It should be noted, however, that a significant proportion of what came in towards the end of the year was of a one-off nature and will not be repeated in 2025 (such as a legacy from a member who had died and tax recoverable on gift aided donations from previous years). It was a source of extreme concern to me personally as your minister to learn that only one in ten of our regular givers made any change to their offerings following the stewardship focus. As I commit myself to a new chapter of ministry in Kinross-shire I am concerned that what I am committing myself to may not be financially sustainable, and so I do want to ask one more time if the 90% who did not respond to last year's request would give consideration to a review of your offerings. I'm sorry to speak so bluntly but I know from experience that the finances of a congregation are often a reflection of the spiritual health of its membership, and that concerns me.

Thanks also to those who contributed to our Christmas offering for the work of Tearfund in the Middle East which realised £1553.77. As a small corner is turned in the midst of what has been terrible conflict, we continue to pray for lasting peace and reconciliation.

With all prayerful good wishes,


Rev A.D. Reid