Minister’s Message 2 March

28 Feb 2025

Dear Friends 

We reach the end of Epiphany on Sunday with the dramatic story of the Transfiguration, where Jesus’ appearance dramatically changes atop a mountain (See Matthew 17, Mark 9, and Luke 9). It reveals Jesus as someone special, someone intimately close to God. As such, it is a fitting end to Epiphany, the revelation of Christ to the Gentiles. Yet, since the beginning of the year we have seen many sides to Jesus. We have seen him emerge from the ministry of John the Baptist, keep a wedding feast in full flow, shock the people of his hometown, call his first disciples, and begin unpacking the difficult call of following him. How have you responded to these epiphanies? Has the revelation of Jesus drawn you in or unsettled you? How have you responded to the person of Jesus?

For me, this week's story connects with what we have already heard and what we will be hearing more of over the course of Lent and Easter. Once again, we hear a voice confirming Jesus as the Son of God, just as we did at his baptism. Yet, we are also surrounded by predictions of Jesus’ death, and so it also shares a quality with the garden of Gethsemane. This is where we are in the story, we have lived within Jesus’ ministry, we have shared in his life, and now we turn towards his death and resurrection. Perhaps fitting, then, that we also celebrate the Lord's Supper this Sunday.

In light of this turning of the seasons, I would like to offer the opportunity for reflection in this Sunday's service. As we did about a month ago, we will hear the reading twice with a space for us to reflect in the middle. What is different is that I want to find out what you're thinking! You can simply jot your thoughts down on a piece of paper and put it in the collection bowl as you leave or you can use the QR code displayed on Sunday or follow this link,, to share your thoughts. Your responses will be anonymous and won't be shared during the service, but it will help me see if my sermon matches what you're all pondering as you listen. An interesting experiment, no?

Whatever your thoughts or technical expertise, I look forward to worshipping with you on Sunday.
Every blessing,

Alex Johnson