Keep up-to-date and involved in our search for a second full-time minister

21 Mar 2025

Dear Friends

I want to update you on two matters that were decided by the Kirk Session on Wednesday evening about which formal intimation will be given at church on the next two Sundays.
Firstly it was agreed to hold a meeting of the united congregation in Kinross Church on Wednesday 23 April at 7.30pm to elect the nominating committee whose task it will be to find the second full-time minister for the Kinross-shire Team. Please plan to be there that evening if you possibly can and please give prayerful consideration to people you might ask to consider standing for one of thirteen places on that committee. Names can be submitted in advance to the Session Clerk or in person on the night but only with the permission of the person you are suggesting. It is important that this committee is representative of the age, gender, background and location of the whole united congregation.

The second matter concerns a discussion and a vote that the Kirk Session will have on the evening of Wednesday 9 April on the question of whether the vacancy should be open to applicants who are in a same sex civil partnership or same sex marriage. The Church of Scotland upholds the historic doctrine of marriage (between one man and one woman) but allows liberty of opinion on matters which do not enter into the substance of the faith (essentially what is contained in the Nicene and Apostles' Creeds). At a time of vacancy it is open to a Kirk Session specifically to decide to 'depart from the historic doctrine and practice of the Church in relation to human sexuality' and the elders will be asked to vote For or Against “departure from the Church’s practice in relation to human sexuality in respect of the current vacancy.” Members of the congregation will have a variety of views about this matter and it is important that all of these views are expressed to the elders in advance of the 9 April. You may do this in person to any one of the elders or by emailing the Session Clerk via the church office.

Please keep the Kirk Session in your prayers at this time and continue to seek the peace and unity of the church.

With all prayerful good wishes

Revd. Alan Reid