Prayer Points 9 February
We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week?
Sunday 9th: Pray for all those who have a part to play in preparation for Sunday worship – circulating intimations, supplying and arranging flowers, preparing the building, giving a welcome, operating AV, serving refreshments, as well as leading worship.
Monday 10th: Ask God's help and strength for all who are developing new ways of working across the united parish, especially the elders.
Tuesday 11th: Pray for an outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon our community, that there may be a hunger and thirst for God in these days amongst people of all ages and backgrounds.
Wednesday 12th: Keep in your prayers the many situations of conflict around the world, especially Israel/Palestine and Ukraine/Russia and pray for God's hand to bring peace.
Thursday 13th: Pray for the united congregation of Montrose as they welcome Derek Peat and Michelle McAdoo to join their ministry team. The first induction is this evening.
Friday 14th: before God all who hold positions of leadership in our community and nation and internationally that they may know God's guiding and enabling day by day.
Saturday 15 Feb : Ask God to be preparing the hearts of all who will hear the Word tomorrow that the soil of many hearts may be receptive to the Gospel and that the seed which is sown would be nurtured in growth towards fruitfulness.