The ethos of Kinross Parish Church is summed up in our mission statement: Following Christ, Spreading the Word, Serving the Community. As individuals and as a congregation we have committed ourselves to following Jesus Christ who is the same yesterday, today and forever. In response to that calling, we seek to share the Good News about Jesus in word and in action with the prayer that the people of Kinross in all its parts may hear clearly the Gospel of Jesus Christ, see the life of the Holy Spirit among us, and come to know the love of our heavenly Father.
If you have questions about the Christian Faith or would like to find out more about what we believe and what difference that makes to our lives, please get in touch.
Becoming a Member
The Church is open to all and you do not have to be a member to attend any of our services or activities.
If you are ready to commit yourself to following Jesus Christ and to playing an active part in the life of the Church, we would invite you to consider becoming a member.
If you have been a member of a church elsewhere, we can arrange for you to transfer to Kinross Parish Church.
If you are new to the Christian faith, you are welcome to join an enquirers' group to explore the Church's teachings and decide whether you wish to make a public profession of faith in Christ and become a member of the Church.
If you do not wish to become a member formally you may ask for your name to be added to the roll of adherents.
Please contact the Minister.