Growing In Christ

But grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ.

2 Peter 3 : 18


A range of groups meet throughout the year, catering for all ages, interests and backgrounds. Click on the sub-tabs for a bit more information on each group. If you see anything you might be interested in, the church office can provide you with more information or details for the contact person. We hope you find something you’d like to come along to. 


All Friends Together – worship for adults with learning difficulties 

Church Choir – music and fellowship 

Craft & Banner and Flower Groups – sharing creative talents to benefit others 

The Guild – sharing fellowship and expressing faith 

Housegroups – meet regularly throughout the week and at different times of the day

Let’s Sing – for everyone who enjoys singing, including anyone living with dementia and their carers

Table Talk - an informal hour of chat, discussion with refreshments


And of course new volunteers for all the usual rotas will be warmly welcomed. 


Visit the Discipleship Corner at the back of the church. You'll find a range of resources and even someone to chat to! 


There are also opportunities to participate in an Alpha Course, Junior Alpha, Christianity Explored or other similar programmes and events.