Baptisms, weddings and funerals
To find information about making arrangements for a baptism, wedding, funeral or other life event, please contact the Minister or church office.
Often the hardest step is to “pick up the phone”. Please make contact with us and we’ll be glad to listen, help where we can or suggest how to get further help. The Minister and team are always willing to offer support to anyone, member or not, even if you can’t remember when you were last inside a church.
Everything will be treated with complete confidentiality.
Kinross Church
10 Station Rd
Kinross, KY13 8TG
T: (01577) 862 570
E: Email Us
How to find us
Church office open Mondays & Fridays 10am–12noon
Rev Alan Reid MA BD
T: 01577 862952
E: Send Email
Alex Johnson
E: Send Email
Rev Margaret Michie
E: Send Email
Jaffrey Weir
E: Send Email
Baptisms, weddings and funerals
To find information about making arrangements for a baptism, wedding, funeral or other life event, please contact the Minister or church office.
Booking the Church or Church Centre
We have a range of rooms available both in the church and our Church Centre. Click here if you would like to find out more or book a room.
Make a Donation to the Church’s Work
Click here if you would like to find out how to make a donation to Kinross Parish Church.
Becoming a Member
The Church is open to all and you do not have to be a member to attend any of our services or activities.
If you are ready to commit yourself to following Jesus Christ and to playing an active part in the life of the Church, we would invite you to consider becoming a member.
If you have been a member of a church elsewhere, we can arrange for you to transfer to Kinross Church.
If you are new to the Christian faith, you are welcome to join an enquirers' group to explore the Church's teachings and decide whether you wish to make a public profession of faith in Christ and become a member of the Church.
If you do not wish to become a member formally you may ask for your name to be added to the roll of adherents.
Please contact us.