In the Church of Scotland, money given is spent to support:
- paying the Minister
- meeting the church’s running costs
- supporting the wider work of the Church of Scotland home and abroad
- outreach and charity
Christian stewardship is a way of living in which we recognise that everything belongs to God. We are stewards of all that God has given us. Your giving allows us to continue to grow God’s gifts.
If you wish to make a one-off donation, please visit our Stewardship page.
Giving regularly is the best way to support your church. Here is how you can give regularly:
If you wish to give monthly, you can either create a bank standing order yourself if you use online banking, or use a bank standing order form for posting to your bank so that the bank can transfer money from you. This is easier than having to remember to bring money each week to church. Please contact the Church Office for this form.
If you wish to give weekly, please ask for a supply of weekly offering envelopes which you can put in the offering plate when you come to church.
Can you Gift Aid your contribution? If you can, this allows us to claim back from the government 25p for every £1 that you give to the church. To gift aid your donation you must be a UK taxpayer (income tax or capital gains tax) and have filled in a gift aid declaration and returned it to our treasurer via the church office. Here is a combined Standing Order and Gift Aid form.
Legacies: No matter how big or small, including a gift to Kinross Church in your will enables the continued mission and outreach of the church's work. If you wish to discuss this, please contact the Church Office. Thank you.
March 2025 Communion Special Offering: Mercy Ships
Mercy Ships is a faith-based international development organisation that deploys hospital ships to some of the poorest countries in the world, delivering vital, free healthcare to people in desperate need. Rev Robert Calvert's son and daughter-in-law serve on one of the ships. This charity has been chosen by the Kinross-shire Kirk Session for our special collection and is commended to you. If you would like to support:
- Please hand in a donation at a Sunday service, marking your envelope “Mercy Ships”
- Gift aid envelopes will be available
- Donate online via our Stewardship link, marking your donation “Mercy Ships” .
For more information on this charity’s work: Scottish charity number: SC 039743.
January 2025 - Update from the Treasurer
Kinross Year-end Accounts: The final accounts for Kinross Parish Church 2024 are in. Thankfully, we avoided the large deficit which was predicted if circumstances did not change. We end the year with a small surplus of £1,296. Thanks to all those who reiewed their giving and a gentle nudge to anyone who is still to do so. The main pressure has been the cost of heat and light, and this is not going to go away in 2025.
Christmas Donations for Tearfund: I am pleased to report that we collected a total (including gift aid) of £1,554 during the festive period. This is an excellent amount. Well done to all who contributed.