News from Life & Work 2024

22 Feb 2024

Updated 22 February 2024 Two items in the March issue of Life and Work magazine are of special interest to us, with reports on our Guild's 135-year anniversary celebration, with photograph, and on the 2023 Blythswood Shoe-Box Appeal, which was supported by our congregation. The Highland-based Blythswood charity has announced…

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World Watch List 2024

01 Feb 2024

This list is published annually by Open Doors, ranking the 50 countries where Christians face the most extreme persecution. It was launched at the Houses of Parliament, with 98 MPs attending, on Monday 15th January.  To pray for persecuted Christians in an informed way, obtain a copy at …

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Stamp Appeal

01 Feb 2024

Please support the Church of Scotland Stamp Appeal by cutting off used stamps (leave at least 1/4" round the stamp) and putting them in the Stamp Appeal container in the church vestibule. The current appeal is supporting an agroforestry project across Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. It…

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News from The Presbytery of Perth 2023

02 Jan 2024

Updated 4 January 2024 Presbytery of Perth 2023 – 2024. Rev. Dr John Ferguson, Clerk to the new Presbytery formed in 2023, writes: ‘A great deal has happened during its short life. While we have faced many challenges, not least regarding Presbytery Planning, there are many exciting activities…

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