Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Monday Evening House Group *
New members always welcome.
On Monday 3rd February, 2025 only starts at 7.00 p.m.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church. Presently studying The Reframe Course. New members welcome.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Monday Evening House Group *
New members always welcome.
On Monday 3rd February, 2025 only starts at 7.00 p.m.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church. Presently studying The Reframe Course. New members welcome.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
Defibrillator Training
Come and learn how to help save a life. As you know we now have a defibrillator installed on the railings of the church.
A team from St John Scotland, Perth & Kinross will be in the church on 8 June from 7pm to demonstrate CPR and the use of defibrillators.
Do come along – all are welcome. Everyone will have a chance to practise, but if you just want to watch that’s fine too. Tea and Coffee will be available.
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Safeguarding Training
Another chance to undertake the compulsory training under the PVG scheme. Even if you have done training in the past you have to update this every 3 years so everyone needs to do this. Register with the Church Office please.
Bereavement Care Training Online
Anyone interested in attending an online bereavement care training event on Saturday 10 June from 10.00am is asked to contact the minister in the first instance.
Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Monday Evening House Group *
New members always welcome.
On Monday 3rd February, 2025 only starts at 7.00 p.m.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Parish Grouping Vision Conference
Parish Grouping vision conference at Orwell Church. Speaker: Diane McWilliam. This is open not only to Elders but also to others who may be interested in how we shape the mission of the church across Kinross-shire in the years ahead
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church. Presently studying The Reframe Course. New members welcome.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Church Garden Tidy Up
10.00am-12noon: Church garden tidy up. All welcome
Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Monday Evening House Group *
New members always welcome.
On Monday 3rd February, 2025 only starts at 7.00 p.m.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Funeral of Avril Kinloch at Perth Crematorium
Sorry, we don't have any further information for this event at present.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church. Presently studying The Reframe Course. New members welcome.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Table Talk (in person)
Table Talk will meet in person for the last meeting of the year on Thursday, 19 December at
10.30am-12 noon. We will have tea/coffee, and some festive goodies. We will also have a singalong of
some carols and Christmas songs, accompanied by Margaret. All are welcome. We then resume on
Thursday, 9 January at 11am on Zoom.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Crossfire Youth Group
Youth Group meets in the Church Centre during term- time.
Monday Evening House Group *
New members always welcome.
On Monday 3rd February, 2025 only starts at 7.00 p.m.
Contact the Church Office for further information.
Stepping Stones
Stepping Stones for Under-5s with their parents & carers. There will be a chance to chat with other parents and we look forward to seeing anyone who would like to come along.
Tuesday Afternoon House Group
Tuesday afternoon House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Craft Group
Craft Group in the Church. New members welcome.
Contact the Church Office for details.
Men's Wednesday House Group
In the church. Presently studying The Reframe Course. New members welcome.
Wednesday Women's House Group
New members always welcome. Contact Church Office for details.
Thursday Morning House Group
Thursday Morning House Group. Please contact the Church Office for details.
Table Talk on Zoom
Chat about anything & everything! Zoom link is available on the Saturday email. Contact the Church Office for further information.
1st Kinross Boys' Brigade and Girls' Association
6.00-7.15pm: Anchor Section (P1,2 and 3)
7.00-9.00pm: Junior Section (P4,5 and 6)
7.00-9.30pm: Company Section (P7-S3)
7.00-9.30pm: Senior Section: (S4,5 and 6)
For girls and boys - please come along and give it a try.
Family Week Flyers
Meet at 7pm outside the church on Friday 30 June to walk round local houses delivering Family Week flyers. Then, afterwards, meet at the Beer Garden in the Market Park, opposite the Green Hotel, between 8pm and 8.30pm depending on when your walking team finishes.
If you aren’t able to distribute leaflets, then please just join us at the Beer Garden for a drink and some social time together from 8pm. Everyone welcome