Following Christ

Spreading the Word

Serving the Community

Latest: Disability Awareness Week

The week runs from 15th –22nd September and Kinross Parish Church will be marking it at our service on Sunday 22 September. Don't miss Rev. Helen Cameron, President of Churches Together in England, preaching to launch the week, calling for justice, equality and access. Watch the Disability Awareness Week launch service, available after 3pm next Sunday, 15 September at

Wed 18th Sep...

11:15am Midweek Service in the Church Centre

Wed 18th Sep...

1:30pm Craft Group

Wed 18th Sep...

7:45pm Men's Wednesday House Group

Wed 18th Sep...

8:00pm Wednesday Women's House Group


A message from Rev Alan D Reid

As parish minister, it is my very great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of the elders and members. 

Kinross Parish Church is a congregation of the Church of Scotland made up of people from the local community, people of all ages and from a wide variety of backgrounds.  We are committed to serving our parish in practical ways as we seek to bear witness to the Good News about Jesus Christ which inspires us.  The first Christians were called 'Followers of the Way' and above all we seek to be true to the One who is our Saviour and our Lord.

Read more


Church Life

The Church & Church Office opening hours are Mondays & Fridays 10am - 12 noon.  Office Coordinator's usual work hours are 8.30am-1.30pm (Mon, Tues, Thurs, Fri).

Sunday@7 is up and running again. Come along on 22 September. 

Our September Communion and Harvest Offerings will be in aid of Prospects across Scotland.

How to donate food items for our Harvest Thanksgiving Service on 29 September.

KYTHE is seeking to recruit a part-time administrator. Details and information here.

Keep up-to-date with all the Parish Grouping developments and our path to Union with Orwell & Portmoak.  14 August Vision Group Minutes now available.

Sundays at 6pm, Prayer Meeting (on Zoom). Joining info on weekly Mailchimp or from the Church Office. Prayer Points for w/b 15 September.

Presbytery and Church of Scotland news.

Audio Replay

“Remember What the Lord Has Done”.
 15 Sep, 2024  Joshua 3: v1-, Genesis 4: v, Genesis 5: v1-12

Video Replay

15 Sep 2024

Prayer Request

We believe in the God who hears and answers prayer. If you have a specific prayer request, please click below....