Worshipping God

Following Christ

Serving the Community

Latest:       Kinross-shire Parish Church

The new Kinross-shire Parish Church meet together for the first time for worship and communion in Fossoway Church.

Read the Minister's Message for more information and exhortation as we go forward in faith.

Mon 10th Feb...

1:45pm Bridge Afternoon

Mon 10th Feb...

2:00pm Board Games Afternoon

Mon 10th Feb...

7:30pm Monday Evening House Group *

Tue 11th Feb...

10:00am Stepping Stones


A message from Rev Alan D Reid

As parish minister, it is my very great pleasure to extend a warm welcome to you on behalf of the elders and members. 

Kinross Parish Church is a congregation of the Church of Scotland made up of people from the local community, people of all ages and from a wide variety of backgrounds.  We are committed to serving our parish in practical ways as we seek to bear witness to the Good News about Jesus Christ which inspires us.  The first Christians were called 'Followers of the Way' and above all we seek to be true to the One who is our Saviour and our Lord.

Read more.


Light Shining in Darkness 

talk by Rev Dr Stewart Gillan (minister of St Andrews Church, Jerusalem & Tiberias).

Praying in the Parish
Photos and update

Church Life

Church & Church Office opening times. 

Minister's Message: 2 February / 9 February

Advanced information on Family Week 2025. Come along and become a Deep Sea Diver!

Heads up for the next Messy Church on 22 February, 4-6pm at Orwell Church.

Come along to the next Sunday@7 on 22 February.

The next meeting of the Year of Listening Project will be held on Thursday 27 February at 7pm in Kinross Church.

Fairtrade Coffee Morning, Sat 8 March 10am-12 noon in the Church Centre. Come along & enjoy Fairtrade Tea, coffee & baking; buy from the Fairtrade Stall, Craft Stall, Plant Stall and Baking for Debrecen Stall! Admission £2.50 at the door.

Sunday Prayer Meeting (Zoom) at 6pm. **NEW JOINING INFO** on weekly Mailchimp or from the Church OfficePrayer Points for w/b  9 February

Presbytery and Church of Scotland news.

Audio Replay

A Prophet in His Hometown
 02 Feb, 2025  Luke 4: v22-30

Video Replay

09 Feb 2025

Prayer Request

We believe in the God who hears and answers prayer. If you have a specific prayer request, please click below....