Minister’s Message 23 February
Dear Friends
Although perhaps things don't seem to be very different since Kinross Parish Church became part of Kinross-shire Parish Church, there has been a lot going on behind the scenes in terms of setting up new structures. I have no doubt that this will benefit us all in the longer term.
This coming week sees a meeting of the Kirk Session with the three representatives of the Presbytery appointed to advise us in the search for the second full-time minister in the parish. The Rev Mairi Perkins from the parish of Ardoch and Blackford, the Rev Fraser Penny, minister of Dunkeld Cathedral, and Mr Ed Morton, an elder from St Ninian's Old Parish Church in Stirling who is also the depute Presbytery Clerk, will journey with us through the vacancy process. This initial meeting will help the Kirk Session to create a parish profile which will be used in advertising for the new minister and also to ensure that we are on top of the formal processes, including the drawing up of an electoral roll and the election of a nominating committee that is representative of the congregation. Please keep these matters in your prayers.
I would also draw attention to additional services that are open to all and would encourage you to try any of these out if you like. Today (Saturday) there is Messy Church for all ages at Orwell Church between 4 and 6pm, including a meal together. This Sunday afternoon at 3pm there will be another songs of praise service at Portmoak. This evening Sunday@7 takes place here in Kinross. And next Sunday morning there will be a service at Cleish Church at 11.15am. A number of folk from the different churches have come to the regular Sunday morning service at Kinross and some of our congregation have been to the regular services at Fossoway at 9.45am or at Orwell at 10.30am every Sunday.
Check the intimations for further details not only of these services but also of weekday groups and meetings in all corners of the parish. And make sure you give a welcome to any visitors to services and meetings held in Kinross.
With all prayerful good wishes,
Rev A.D. Reid