Minister’s Message for Sunday 1 December 2024

30 Nov 2024

Dear Friends,

This Sunday marks the beginning of Advent, a time to prepare ourselves not only to celebrate again the coming of Christ into our world in weakness at Bethlehem but also to be ready for His return in glory and power at the end of the age.

At this time of year in particular it is very easy for us to get so caught up in the details of the many things that have to be done that we lose sight of the big picture, not only of the Christmas story but also of where the story of the birth of Christ fits in the whole story of His life, death and resurrection and of the promise of His return to make all things new at the end of the Age.

To some it may seem counter-intuitive to be celebrating Communion at this time of year but, actually, taking the time to gather at the Lord's Table, to be still and to take hold again of the death and resurrection of Christ enables us also to make sense of the Advent messages of both the first and second comings of Christ.

The apostle Paul wrote in words that we will hear again this Sunday: "As often as you eat this bread and drink this cup you proclaim the Lord's death until He comes." (1 Cor.11:26)

So let me encourage you to take time this Advent to be ready for Christ and to begin your preparations by coming to Communion on Sunday.

Let me also commend to you our quarterly special offering for Tearfund's humanitarian work in the Middle East which will be open from this Sunday right through until Christmas. You can contribute in cash at the Church at any service If you are a tax payer, please complete one of the Tearfund Gift Aid declarations as this will substantially increase the value of your offering for the benefit of those who are enduring such suffering in the Land of the Holy One at this time. You may give also online via our own website but to benefit from Gift Aid online donations need to be made direct to Tearfund. Can I encourage you also to use the prayer resources that are available at

With all prayerful good wishes,


Rev. A.D. Reid