Minister’s Message for Sunday 1 September 2024

31 Aug 2024

Dear Friends,

We look forward very much to Alex Johnson starting with us this Sunday as Probationer Minister, his final ministry training placement before ordination. He will be with us on a full-time basis for the next 15 months. Many of you have met Alex already and you will all have the opportunity to interact with him in a variety of ways. His wife, Hazel (née Sweeney) was brought up in Kinross in this congregation and their son Rowan is already a valued part of our Junior Church. We rejoice that Hazel and Alex are expecting another baby in November and I commend them all to your prayers as a family during the coming months. It is important to say that Alex is with us for his benefit as part of his training, although I have no doubt he will be a great blessing to our church life in the process.

I am also delighted to report that Ian Morrison who did his first placement with us three years ago has just completed his probationary period and is going to be serving as an Ordained Local Minister in the Lower Earn Churches with Rev Allan Wilson. Stephen Miller who will be known to longer-standing members of the congregation has also completed his probationary period and is also to be serving as an OLM in a role involving schools ministry. When details of the ordination services are finalised I will publicise these locally as I expect some members of the congregation will wish to be present.

Let me remind you of our stewardship focus this month on the theme of Christian giving, and encourage you to continue reflecting on the questions I posed last Sunday: What does it mean in financial terms for me to live generously? And what relation does our giving bear to our income, especially if our income has increased or reduced?

Finally, and most importantly, let me extend the gracious invitation of Christ to us all to gather at His Table this Sunday.

With all prayerful good wishes,


Rev. A.D. Reid