Minister’s Message for Sunday 8 September 2024

08 Sep 2024

Dear Friends,

This Sunday marks the 35th anniversary of my ordination and I expected to be marking that by preaching as usual.  However, as some of you are aware I wasn't feeling great earlier in the week and by Wednesday afternoon I needed some attention.  The long and short of it is that at about 2am on Thursday I was admitted to hospital for pain relief and intravenous antibiotics. As I pen this from Ninewells on Friday I am feeling very much better, but the next steps are still unclear.  I will probably require surgery but the timescale for that is still unclear.  My condition is very treatable, but I will require some recuperation.

So I probably won't be with you on Sunday.  I am very grateful to Alex and to Brenda who will cover worship and to Robert Calvert who will cover for any funerals.

As one who has never taken for granted the exceptionally good health I have enjoyed throughout my life, I am very grateful for the care I am receiving.  As one who prays regularly for you, I would ask your prayers for me in the coming days.

Yours because His, in Christ.


Rev. Alan D. Reid