Message for Sunday 15 September 2024

14 Sep 2024

Dear Friends,

As we were preparing ourselves for worship last week, with Alan still in hospital, many of you gave me a playful nudge, smiled, and said, “This is a real sink or swim moment for you.” I’ll leave it to your judgement as to which of those transpired! Nevertheless, it was a pleasure to lead you in worship and my thanks to Enid, Kathleen, Brenda and Gordon for each of their contributions to our worship last week.

This week, we are continuing our journey through the book of Joshua. We stood with the Israelites on the cusp of the Promised Land, full of anticipation. Now, we cross the Jordan, entering the land flowing with milk and honey. Yet, we don't get much further than that as the Israelites pause to remember their history and prepare themselves for all that will come.

So, I invite you, ahead of Sunday, to think about where you come from. What has shaped and defined you over the years? What is your history? But also, what is the history of our church? What shapes and defines us as a community? As we ground ourselves in God's story, perhaps we might find our future, personally and collectively, laid clearer before us.

Indeed, as I spend this next 15 months as your probationer, I look forward to being shaped by this community; to intertwining our histories for a while so that we can see what lies before us. As I progress towards ministry, I know that future communities, congregations and kirk sessions will be the beneficiaries of all that we share and learn together.

Every blessing,


Alex Johnson, Probationer