Prayer Points for Week Commencing 15 September 2024

14 Sep 2024

We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer.  Why not print this page and use it this week?

Prayer Points for week commencing 15th September

Sunday, 15th September: Pray for all of those taking part in this morning’s service, inwhatever capacity, that they will be enabled by God, and for Alan as he recuperates from his recent hospital stay.

Monday, 16th: As we continue in our period of reflection on the theme of 'Living Generously', ask God to help you understand the full extent of His generosity to us.

Tuesday, 17th: Remember before God those in our world who suffer because of persecution, violence or natural disaster and pray for all who seek to bring relief and the extension of God's Kingdom all over the world.

Wednesday, 18th: Pray for the Vision Group as they meet tonight to discuss the shaping of the union of the churches of Kinross-shire into a single parish, that they will be able to ascertain where God is leading us. Remember in prayer the congregations of Portmoak and Cleish as their church buildings will be closing.

Thursday, 19th: Pray for the various house groups meeting throughout the week, that they will learn more about You and discern Your purpose for each of their lives as they gather.

Friday, 20th: Pray for those involved in the discussions regarding the Church magazines, Kin-nections and Stramash, as they seek God’s leading to produce a joint church magazine for church members that also serves as a community outreach tool.

Saturday, 21st: Pray for the Fairtrade Coffee Morning today at the Kinross Centre, encouraging us to help and support producers and growers. Also, remember in prayer the All Friends Together group which meets in the Church this morning.
