Minister’s Message for Sunday 14 July 2024

13 Jul 2024

Dear Friends,

It is an important part of church life, and a great blessing, to be involved in partnerships with other churches and Christian organisations. Already this summer we have had a visit from Ruth Jack from MAF with whom we partner in Uganda. A number of people from the church will be involved in supporting Kythe and others at the Magnitude Youth Festival at Lendrick Muir. And of course, Family Week has long had involvement from members of other local churches. Discussions are ongoing during the summer in regard to the shaping of the future relations between the Church of Scotland congregations in Kinross- shire and we hope to be able to bring firm proposals to the congregation in the early autumn for discussion and a vote.

This Sunday I am exchanging pulpits with Richard Gibb, one of the leaders of Loch Leven Church. I will be giving a sermon on Abraham as part of their series on Heroes of the Faith and Richard will be preaching on Psalm 23 as part of our summer sermon series. Brenda Fraser will be leading the service in Kinross Parish Church and as usual members of the congregation will be doing prayers and readings. I trust you will give Richard a warm welcome.

Although it has been in the intimations now for several weeks, we are still looking for accommodation for the six visitors who are coming for Family Week from our partner church in Hungary. Some who have hosted in the past are not able to do so this year so we are really looking for new volunteers, ideally within the town of Kinross. At the end of the day we could squeeze them all in at the Manse but I hope that others may be able to help.

With all prayerful good wishes,


Rev. A.D. Reid