Minister’s Message for Sunday 28 July 2024

27 Jul 2024

Dear Friends,

Family Week is almost upon us and I know that a great many people are involved in last-minute preparations. Although a large number of people will be involved face to face with the children and young people, there are just as many behind the scenes, and I trust that that will be every single one of us as we take time to pray during the week.

Please pray above all that the good news about Jesus will be clearly spoken and heard in every aspect of the week. In addition, please pray that the weather will be a blessing not a hindrance.

Pray for safety as people come and go each day and as they are involved in activities, especially outings involving travel.

Pray for energy and grace for those with a key role during the week such as group leaders and the up-front presenters.

Pray that every interaction of the week will be blessed by the presence of Christ.

Pray that every child and young person will know themselves to be valued and loved by God.

Pray for protection in the spiritual battle that is going on in the heavenly realm and in all the ways that manifests itself in such things as ill-health, disunity and inappropriate behaviour amongst the team or interruptions and distractions when the Gospel is being shared.

Pray that the children and young people who come along and their wider families will all be impacted in a significant way by Family Week this year.

At the time of writing we are still looking for one more driver on Sunday afternoon to collect our Hungarian visitors from the airport and for another few hosts for evening meals for them during the week. Please also take note of the request for donations of garden flowers, and donations of (non-chocolate) biscuits and of cash to defray costs are also welcome. There may also be last minute needs which will be intimated at church on Sunday.

With all prayerful good wishes,

Rev. A.D. Reid