Prayer Points for Week commencing 21 July 2024

26 Jul 2024

We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer.       Why not print this page and use it this week?

Prayer Points for week commencing Sunday 21 July.

Sunday, 21st July: As the Magnitude Youth Festival gets into full swing at Lendrick Muir pray for God's care and protection for all involved.

Monday, 22nd: Give thanks for the Gospel of Jesus Christ which is the power of salvation to all who believe and pray that that Good News will be heard across our land this summer.

Tuesday, 23rd: Ask God to be present in every encounter at Magnitude this week, giving words to those who speak and a listening heart to those who hear and ask the same for Family Week in Kinross next week.

Wednesday, 24th: Pray for those who are giving practical support (such as cooking) for those attending Magnitude and pray also for the practical arrangements for Family Week.

Thursday, 25th: As hundreds of young people head home from Magnitude, pray that they will go with the sound of the Gospel ringing in their ears and with the knowledge that Christ goes with them.

Friday, 26th: Pray that God will be at work in the lives of all those who are signed up for Family Week, preparing the way for a fruitful week of ministry and mission.

Saturday, 27th: Lay before God tomorrow's service and all the final preparations for Family Week. Why not join with others in person this evening at the church this evening to pray for Family Week.
