Prayer Points 8 December
We believe in a God that hears and answers prayer. Why not print this page and use it this week?
Prayer Points for week beginning 8th December
Sunday 8 December: As we are assailed by bad news from all corners of the globe, take time today to lift your eyes above the horizons of this world and to pray that the Good News of God's coming Kingdom will have an impact on every situation of need that comes to your mind.
Monday 9 December: Seek God's blessing on the work of KYTHE as the process to appoint a new Head of Youth Work moves forward, that the person of God's choosing would be called to lead the work to the next stage of its development in the coming years.
Tuesday 10 December: Pray for members of the Guild as they join for a festive meal today and for other groups and organisations as they spend time informally in each other's company.
Wednesday 11December: Pray that as the service users at Kinross Centre enjoy their Christmas lunch today it may be a time of great blessing for all concerned.
Thursday 12 December: Ask God's blessing on Ian Morrison as he is ordained to the holy ministry at a service in Dunbarney Church tonight. Pray too for Alan Reid as he leads the service.
Friday 13th December: Give thanks for the work of Broke Not Broken in our community.
Saturday 14th December: In a world where many are persecuted for their faith in Christ, ask God's protection for those who fearlessly proclaim the Good News of Jesus' coming into the world and the salvation He brings.